Who benefits from a professional bike fit?

Anyone who owns and rides a bicycle can benefit from a professional bike fit. At High Gear Bike Fitting Co., we offer two levels of bike fitting that can meet the demands of any rider.

What do I have to bring to the fitting sessions?

I opt for a dynamic fitting process, which means that clients not only bring their bikes to fitting session, but I have my clients ride their bikes on a stationary trainer while I evaluate their position and pedalling dynamics. Therefore clients need to bring the following items to a fitting session:

  • Bike to be fitted (must be clean and in good working order)

  • Cycling shoes (if using a clip-in pedal system)

  • Cycling bibs or shorts that you would normally ride in

  • Orthotics (if you wear them in your cycling shoes)

  • Water bottle

  • Snacks (if necessary)

  • Athletic wear (shorts, t-shirt, tank top)

  • Be prepared to ride your bike on a stationary trainer for up to 60-90 mins

Are bike fitting services covered under private healthcare insurance plans?

YES. As this is a physiotherapy-based service, fitting sessions can be billed under private healthcare insurance.

What if I still have discomfort on my bike after a fit?

At High Gear Bike Fitting Co., I am committed to client satisfaction. Clients are encouraged to contact me to schedule additional follow-up session(s) to review the new position and evaluate the need for further adjustments if discomforts still persist.

Depending on the client’s goals, a desired position may require time for the client’s body to adapt (via strengthening, stretching and mobility exercises) and would require multiple in-person sitting sessions over a period of months to achieve the desired position.

What if my bike is the wrong size for me?

No problem. Unless the bike is extremely over- or undersized for the client, there is almost always a ‘window of fit’ for the bike that we can find that will work for the client.

If I need any additional hardware for my cycling shoes will that cost extra?

No. Any hardware for cycling shoes (e.g. shims, wedges, screws) are provided free of charge.

What if I have good-quality custom orthotics in my cycling shoes already?

No problem — you are already ahead of the game.

What if would like to purchase a pair G8 Performance 2620 customizable orthotics?

If you would like to purchase a pair of G8 Performance 2620 customizable orthotics, you may purchase them for retail for $110 CDN.